Similarities and differences between powder metallurgy and CNC machining - PTJ Blog

ЦНЦ обрадне услуге Кина

Сличности и разлике између металургије праха и ЦНЦ обраде


Сличности и разлике

It is found from the finished products that the shapes of products made by NC machining and powder-metallurgy are similar, but it is obvious that the price of NC machining is more expensive than powder-metallurgy, so why not use металургија праха to make products? It seems that there is still a difference between powder-metallurgy and ЦНЦ обрада.

ЦНЦ процес обраде велике сложене структуре ваздухоплова
Сличности и разлике између металургије праха и ЦНЦ обраде

Powder metallurgy is a process technology for preparing metal powder or using metal powder as raw material, after forming and sintering, manufacturing metal materials, composite materials and various types of products. To put it simply, powder metallurgy includes two aspects: milling and products. The former is a metallurgical process, and the latter is a modern comprehensive technology that spans many disciplines.

NC machining refers to a process method for machining parts on CNC machine tools. Because digital information is used to control the displacement of parts and tools during the entire процес обраде, this method can solve the variety of parts, small batches, complex shapes, High precision and other issues, as well as high efficiency and automated processing,

Powder metallurgy has a unique chemical composition, mechanical and physical properties, which cannot be obtained by traditional fusion casting methods. Therefore, using powder metallurgy technology can be directly made into porous, semi-dense or fully dense materials and products. Our common machining tools , Metal abrasive tools, etc., many are manufactured by powder metallurgy technology.

The object of NC machining is a part with a complex profile. It is characterized by automatic processing using a punched tape or a tape-controlled machine tool to meet its high requirements on part size and accuracy.

At present, powder metallurgy is mainly applicable to the production and research of spare parts in the automotive industry, equipment manufacturing industry, metal industry, aerospace, military industry, instrumentation, hardware tools, electronic appliances and other fields, and the production of related raw materials and auxiliary materials Manufacturing of various powder preparation equipment and sintering equipment.

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цнц машина за обрадуПТЈ® пружа читав низ прилагођених прецизности ЦНЦ обрада Кина услуге.Оверено ИСО 9001: 2015 и АС-9100. 3, 4 и 5-осне ЦНЦ услуге брзе прецизне обраде, укључујући глодање, окретање према спецификацијама купца, могућност обраде делова од метала и пластике са толеранцијом +/- 0.005 мм. Секундарне услуге укључују ЦНЦ и конвенционално брушење, бушење,ливење на ливење,Лим жигосање.Пружање прототипова, комплетне производне серије, техничка подршка и потпуни преглед аутомобилскиваздушно-космички простор, калупи и елементи, лед осветљење,медицински, бицикл и потрошач електроника индустрије. Правовремена достава.Реците нам мало о буџету вашег пројекта и очекиваном времену испоруке. Са вама ћемо припремити стратегију за пружање најисплативијих услуга које ће вам помоћи да постигнете свој циљ. Добродошли у контакт са нама ( салес@пинтејин.цом ) директно за ваш нови пројекат.

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